• Origins of the Volcanic Monsters

    Ages before life on Earth truly began, in a distant part of the universe, there existed an army of flaming monsters which fed on the energy of planets that were filled with primitive or evolved life forms, draining each world until a lifeless husk remained. In the eyes of this army’s leader “Volcanic Dreadfire Overlord”,…

  • Origins of Chaos Fang Golem

    As the war for the Yugioh multiverse raged on, a portion of the extradimensional energy from the portals seeped into the Sacred Beasts’ seal and began to corrupt them as well as their servants, including Grinder Golem to such a degree that the energy formed powerful beings including the dreaded “Chaos Fang Golem”.

  • Origins of the Feedback Monsters

    A group of monsters were found mortally wounded after a great battle by an unnamed scientist. Taking pity on them, the scientist healed the monsters’ wounds, turning them into soundwave-emitting cyborgs in the process by using the sonic reflector technology he had pioneered. Soon after some therapy and getting adjusted to their new bodies, the…

  • Origins of Chaotic Metropolis

    As the war for the Yu-gi-oh multiverse drags on, an energy crisis had emerged with the planet’s resources being drained. To combat it, the worlds leaders have decided to use the energy of the dimensional tears to provide a new source of power for the people, creating power plants to generate and distribute the energy…

  • Origins of the Force Mask

    One day while the Masked HEROs were on patrol, they were ambushed by a squad of “Genesis Gear Dash Stingers”, the Genesis Gear Army’s assassination soldiers, and began fighting with the heroes. The battle is fierce, with both sides not giving an inch, but with the Dash Stingers’ faster reaction speed, the tide soon turns…

  • The Exposed ‘Dark Side’ of Facebook

    In the last several months, Facebook’s algorithm was accused of inciting hate and violence that led to the January 6th insurrection at The Capitol in Washington, D.C., due to surfaced company documents retrieved by Frances Haugen, a former Facebook employee who felt that what the company is doing today is inexcusable, profiting off misinformation and…

  • Origin of the Different Dimension Armory

    (Continued from ‘Origins of the Cross HERO monsters) After what would be known as “The Battle for Neos Space”, the Genesis Gear Army was pressing the offensive across the Yugioh multiverse, finding duelists for their mysterious leader to serve as proxies capable of wielding the dark and corrupting power of the dimensional tears in reality.…

  • Origins of the C.G. Monsters

    An unnamed scientist was experimenting with an invention designated as “Experiment 2-57”, which had the ability to create genetic hybrids by combining the DNA of multiple monster types as well as elemental attributes, thus birthing a new generation of superweapons. As this scientist was building these hybrids, one of them became self-aware, possibly due to…

  • Origins of the Cross HERO monsters

    (Continued from “Origins of the Chaos HERO monsters) A few weeks have passed since the invasion was repelled by the HEROs, and peace has returned to the city, now full of life once again. Since the attack on the city, the Elemental HEROs and the Evil HEROS have decided to a temporary truce while using…

  • Origins of the Genesis Gear monsters

    An unnamed inventor was researching the mysterious properties of the Ancient Gears monsters when an interdimensional tear opened up in his lab that emitted a strange energy that gave the spirits inside the mechanical shells power unlike anything the inventor had ever seen before. Intrigued by this power, he created devices called ‘Genesis Orbs’, which…

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